Ethan Dugas

DevOps Engineer

About Me

Hello, my name is Ethan Dugas. I'm currently residing in Salt Lake City, Utah. I am a DevOps Engineer, but am passionate about the cloud as a whole and enjoy designing applications that have high availability and that are fault-tolerant. When I'm not working I like to hike around the Wasatch mountains with my dog.



uPost (Capstone Project)

August 2019

This is a virtual bulletin board. Development is ongoing... exciting updates coming soon!

Built with:

Ruby on Rails, Bootstrap


June 2019

A Reddit-inspired application to practice the fundamentals of web development and Rails.

Built with:

Ruby on Rails, Bootstrap


January 2019

A Spotify-inspired application that lets users listen to a variety of songs.

Built with:

React, Material Design Lite


(337) 322-6371